4 mins read

Technology companies are proving to be the great equalizer

[Part 1 of a 12-Part Series]

Healthcare is rife with significant challenges that can in some cases be minimized at the very minimum and in most cases be eliminated by the use of technology. The 12-part series begins by elaborating on macro-level challenges that the healthcare industry is starting to address with technology to stem the bleeding/reverse the onset of more severe complications.

Challenge 1: Supply and demand

Healthcare service delivery provisioning across the globe is starkly marked by the lack of adequate supply of qualified clinicians and specialists. This situation has been significantly exacerbated in the post pandemic new normal which has seen clinicians of all stripes leave their stated professions in droves. Technology companies like HealthViewX have helped alleviate this problem by building care orchestration platforms [the HOPE platform for providers and the POPE platform for payors] that allow clinicians and clinical service delivery providers the ability to render care to more patients by streamlining and automated work processes. These platforms allow patients’ access to clinicians and services that are not limited or constrained by physical locations and boundaries.

Challenge 2: Variation in care

Healthcare outcomes see sigma levels of variation as a direct consequence of the variation in care delivery. A fundamental challenge to addressing such variations in care stems from the lack of contextualized data around care encounters including clear data attribution, capture appropriateness and integrity of the measurement system (repeatability and reproducibility). Care orchestration tech platforms are designed to capture data during a care encounter that can be analyzed across a host of attributes for clinical and operational streamlining of services. HOPE for example is capable of gathering millions of individual data points that can be aggregated and analyzed at both the patient and population level to see patterns and probabilities. This is then turned into actionable insights.

Challenge 3: Evolving consumerization

Consumer expectations around Healthcare service delivery in the new normal have permanently evolved from begrudging acceptance of the confines of large monolithic infrastructure driven points of care to a strong demand for care around their individual ecosystem. In short the uberization of the healthcare except at scale. Healthcare however thus far has been severely constrained by its business model in that it has required a significant upfront investment in infrastructure followed by a significant lead time before the return on investment is reached. Technology has become the bridge to serve the new discerning consumer that will not settle for the limitations of an industry that still uses fax machines and paper to pre-digital. Care platforms again come to the rescue by helping construct engaging digital hubs that enable the patient to have a digital ecosystem built to his or her preferences. These digital hubs are being built at scale on a disease specific level that lend themselves to cohort level and individual specific management and reversal of disease progression.

Challenge 4: Illiquidity of data

One of the biggest challenges is the pooling of an individual’s healthcare data across islands of service delivery. This is exacerbated by the fact that the quantum of data over a lifetime can be in orders of magnitude and is unfortunately not available in a continuum of care/longitudinal fashion. This illiquidity is however being solved by care orchestration platforms like HOPE and POPE that address both the interoperability problem by building engines that serve as bridges between these islands of data that are linked through technology as well as building out a new care plan centered approach that is defined by and around each patient by his or her care team.

This entry was posted in blog, Population Health, Value-Based Care and tagged Data Interoperability on by Vignesh Eswaramoorthy.

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